Provide Tutorial on Fanbox

Hi everyone!

This short tutorial is to teach you how to do killer Provide Listings on FanBox that get sales.

There is one simple rule: Tell your buyer what they are getting.

Now, let’s learn how to do that.

Go to the Provide Tab

Next you will be taken to the Provide section at FanBox.

Choose : Create New Service or Product and there will be a pop-up box
You will now choose to create a Service, a Product or Sell a Premium Blog Package.
If you’re creating a Premium Blog package you will need to choose which blogs you are making available for a fee before you will be taking to the screen where you can fill in the information.

Product Name - You have 80 characters max to fill in the of your listing. It should be written in title case. (first letter of each word is capitalized)

The photos you choose either be of the product or exactly represent it.

Description - This is a very important part of your listing. 
This is where you sell your product or service to the person reading about it. 
Tell them why they need it.
You have 1,000 characters to get this information across.
What is the product or service you’re selling?
How is the product used?
What is the size of the product?
What does the service entail?

Establish some trust here and let your buyer know what they are getting.

Listings with emails or other contact information listed in them will be rejected.

Category  - Choose the appropriate category for your listing.

Click “Continue” and you’ll be taken to the second part.

Pricing What is the minimum you want to earn for each sale?
FanBox will add a percentage to cover the amount paid to the people that promote your product.
IF you are selling a product that requires shipping 
ADD IT IN to your base product price.There is no way to go back and charge for shipping after the sale.
If you sell a service, digital product or premium blog - obviously you won’t have to worry about shipping.

 If you’re selling a cool custom t-shirt for and you’re happy getting $10.00 per shirt.
If it costs you $5.00 so ship those shirts to your buyers, your base price would need to be $15.00
FanBox will automatically add a small percentage. Why does FanBox do this?
How does it work you ask?
Okay, I will tell you!

When you sell an item you get your base price. The remaining percentage goes to the FanBox community.
The community gets 30%.
Of that 30% here is how it is split out:
If the Provide service or product was bought because of:
-an Ad, Repost or "Like" - you earn 20%
-a blog post - you earn 40%
-a boost that paid for an ad on a Provide listing - you earn 80%.
Want to earn more? Be sure to promote your own listings by blogging about them with a link to your listing.
You can earn your base price + 40%!
If you take out an ad, be aware that ads on Provide are cost per click and you will be charged for the click whether or not someone makes a purchase.

Next, tell your buyer if they are paying you once or they will have money deducted monthly.
o One-time purchase

o Monthly recurring subscription
are your choices here.

Now tell FanBox how many you have to sell. Quantity Available
You will either be filling in a number and when the last product is sold, your listing won’t be shown until you reset the number. Or if you’re selling a premium blog package, service or digital product you will probably want to click “unlimited”.

Free Shipping To This is the default. Simply calculate in any shipping or handling charges and you will be stating them to your buyer in the Notes to Buyer section coming up.
Notes To Buyer  - Okay again you have 1,000 characters to tell your buyer anything special.
Special things to note are:
Let your buyer know if you need an email address to deliver your product (such as with an ebook).
Let your buyer know what shipping charges are included in the your price.
Let your buyer know how quickly you process orders.
Do you have a refund policy?
Again, you may not list any contact information in your listing.

If you’re not quite ready to post your listing, you can still 
Save as draft and your listing will not be published.
Ready to get your listing out there? Just agree to the Terms and Conditions and your SC will review and approve your listing.

You can sell almost anything in Provide.
But here are the big 5 types of Listings I wind up rejecting the most often:

1 - Items sold through affiliate programs, this includes Amazon, Clickbank, and other CPC 3rd party companies.

2- You cannot sell your FanBox account.

3- You cannot sell clicks for FanBox accounts.

4- You cannot sell account creation services.

5- You cannot sell adult dating services or sexually oriented businesses.


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