Making Ads on Fanbox

Ads and posts aren't the same thing so don't treat them exactly the same.
When you do a post, that post will be blasted around FanBox to your friends and people you don't know that have shown a previous interest in your subject matter.

Now for ads, the only one and sole way an ad gets shown on FanBox is :
(1)by the quality of the ad and (2) the search term tags you choose.
So, let's learn to do some killer ads shall we?

I am going to do this as a series so you we can examine everything in detail and keep it short and easy to understand.

We will cover :

Titles that work
Why images are important
What ad text should do
Search term tags and why they are important
Provide listings are ads
Promoting Provide listings with ads
Using the Genie to make ads
Promoting the ads of others

Everyone should be able to do a great title for their ad.

 choose your search terms carefully. I will be using that post in this example. 

Now we are just talking about a title here so check this out.

Make that title Title Case and make sure it’s eye catching.
Title case is the only way to properly write a title, if you're not doing it - then thank your Success Coach if your ads are being approved because they are doing it for you.

Your ad title should never be in all capital letters.

Your ad title should pull someone in to want to see what that ad is about.

It is the first way you reel someone in to click your ad and visit your post so you can earn, and if you're already earning, learn to earn more by improving the quality of your ads.

Why Images are Important

Hello again! 
We learned in Lesson One why your title was important and what title case was. We also learned why it’s important to write a really good title and put a little thought into it.

Now we are going to examine the part of your ad that can either pull in traffic more or drive them away.

What am I talking about?
Your ad image.The image you choose for your ad should have a little effort put into it.

Bad Choices for Ad Images
Unless the post is about gorgeous women in bikinis - don’t use it for your ad image.Even thought my ad is about earning on FanBox, Ad Standards say you cannot use a FanBox logo in your ads.Although I wrote the article, using my photo for the article doesn’t convey this is about earning.

Find a good stock image that conveys what your post is about OR

be even cooler and make your own.

Seriously you don’t even need skills for this.
I decided since my article was teaching people how to do better ads and blogs, maybe a teacher in the graphic so I found an old stock photo of a teacher (I love old photos but that’s another story entirely).

So I saved the image to my computer and then went to Start > Accessories > Paint
Yes, that free image editor that comes on most computers, to prove you don’t need Adobe Photoshop or to spend money to make rockin’ good ad images.
I took that photo of the teacher, inserted a green rectangle for a blackboard (square shape with green fill checked) and then wrote in white letters.

Normally, I either use Photoshop or Gimp a free open source program that honestly, I find I have open and working in a lot more than Photoshop.

You can do this with videos too.
Just play the video until there’s a scene you like, alt+printscreen and then paste (control+V) into whatever image editing program you prefer, resize it, save it, and use it in your ad.
That’s how you get custom images.

Make Your Ad Text 

Ad text, the part of your ad where you write what the reader will find or why they should click is often the part of your ad that will make or break whether or not someone will click.

You have 135 characters (yes, that includes spaces) and it is not a title so it should never be written in title case. 
Read that one more time, do not write it in title case. 
Do not write it in all capital letters either. 
So how the heck do you properly write ad text?
Like a sentence. That's it.

Capitalize the first letter of the sentence and use punctuation (. , ! ?) at the end.
If you do it any other way, you are not doing it correctly.

So, let’s learn how to do Ad Text that rocks now, shall we?

Example Ad
Why This Ad Text Sucks
This is too short.
It doesn’t give the person reading the ada clue about why they should click this ad. Someone may read it and think to themselves, “Well I already know how to earn on FanBox” and leave that ad unclicked and the post unread. 
Last, but not least, this ad text is written in title case which is incorrect. Ad text should be written as a sentence.
This is a huge mistake I see people make all the time in ads. The cut and paste the opening paragraph to the post as their ad text. 
Does this remotely tell you why you should click? 
No, it does not.
Plus it just cuts off and doesn’t make sense.
This is another common mistake that makes an ad suck. Taking whatever the title is and rewriting it as the ad text. It’s just repetitive and boring. Would you like an ad that promised you’d find a post that repeated itself?
Okay, now we’ve seen 3 examples that don’t work. How about an example that does?
Ad Example
Why This Ad Wins!
Don’t be afraid to tease your readers a bit. I tell them in this ad that FanBox is changing (true) and there are things they need to know to continue to earn (also true). It creates a sense of urgency to click the ad and find out what that post can tell the reader! Notice too this ad text and the one below are written in proper sentences (Capital letter at the beginning, ending in punctuation).
Here’s another ad to entice a click. I tell my reader the ways of earning are changing and I also promise them quick tips. That way no one is wasting their time. Don’t give away too much that is in your post. Why should they bother reading if you give a synopsis?
Okay, let’s recap.

Ad text should make your reader want to click your ad to read your post.
It should be written in proper sentence format.
It should not be a cut and paste of the first paragraph, nor should it be too short. 
Last but not least, it should not be a synopsis of your post. 
Tease your reader and make them find out what’s in your post!

And here is where we are at:
The title is written in title case

The image relates to the post

The ad text is written as a proper sentence beginning with a capital letter and ends in punctuation. It doesn’t give too much away but gives a reader a reason to click to read more at the post.


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